The Garden Came First Eve was framed. (bumper-sticker) Perhaps she was already weeding. You know how it is: step into the yard for a moment because you hear birdsong then glance down at the ground and see weeds everywhere. You have to do something, which means you have to decide: oxalis or chamomile? vinca or Bermuda grass? dandelion or morning glory? So, which one was put here on purpose? Previously published in Quiddity. Annie Stenzel was born in Illinois, but has lived in several places on both sides of this continent, and in a number of other countries. She received both a B.A. in English Literature and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Mills College in Oakland. Her poems appear in a wide range of print and online journals, from Ambit to Rat's Ass Review, with stops at Blue Lyra Review, Catamaran Literary Reader, Eclectica, Kestrel, and Quiddity, among many others. By day, she works at a mid-size San Francisco law firm. Her full-length collection, The First Home Air After Absence, will be published later this year by Big Table Publishing Co. Comments are closed.
Blog HostNatasha Kochicheril Moni is a writer and a licensed naturopath in WA State. Enjoying this blog? Feel free to put a little coffee in Natasha's cup, right here. Archives
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